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Yes Boss!!!
Okizle Multimedia Studios

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Branded DeSignER!

Hi y'all....
I am very sorry the story will still have to wait. I know its been a long time coming but stories like that are just worth waiting for. I haven't got my facts right just yet so I decided to feed you some of my other....let say passion.

Ok, So i love seeing a good work of art. I always imagine what goes on the artiste's head when he designs a it in a painting, or more appropriately in this case, a computer generated graphic. For a long time, i have been fascinated with CGI's (computer generated imagery) all those 3D efftects just make me go whoooooshhhh! then i started thinking i could do these stuff also. I always wanted to create something that would just be me.

Then i heard of James Alabi AKA Abinibi. A well known graphic designer in Nigeria. you can google him if you like of visit, I was blown away by the works of this great man. Most of were just simply amazing and i just stared on with constant ooohhhs and aahhsss!
Then i really thought to myself...I could do this. Hence, my journey to this world.

I started by getting books on photoshop and several graphic desigining programs i could lay my hands on at the time. i started reading gradually and learning the basics, colour, shadow, light etc. I started up with some wack designs. some blatantly foolish others were just alright. Normally, school would get in my way but i always found a way around the troubles school bring...i mean all the stupid class schedules and weird practical are just a story for another day.

Gradually my designs were getting better. I was able to make complex montages and started seeing what i was actually interested in which was making Magazine covers, handbills, movie posters...basically ad campaign stuff. I haven't actually had a commissioned job at the time of writing this but i keep on doing bogus mag covers, bogus handbills, using my pictures and my friends' . gradually people started taking note of my works and comment were pouring in from everywere. I am actually amazed at what i have achieved within a short time and just kept driving it hard. All that is left now is to creat a brand for myself and make it mine. still can't decide on a logo but i am working on it.

Beside here are some of my works....most of them are old anyway but I am working on new ones. My main aim is to move from the realm of just normal graphics to the world of 3D, my first love! once I master the basics of 3D i guess i can progress from there and the be the best i can be or rather, the best there is!

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