Yes Boss!!!

Yes Boss!!!
Okizle Multimedia Studios

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Hi readers,

GSo I guess that all of you must be wondering by now “what the hell is yes boss?” hahahahaha. its all about me. Its about all i have done and its about my way to the top. Yes boss! implies doing it as you are told. Imagine you at work and your boss comes and says “hey, get this done now” Your reply would be Yes boss!. Now imagine in this case, I am my own boss and i do what i want, when I want. I am my own boss and I love it. I don’t have to worry about anybody hassling me for anything. I get stuff done in my time and on my own terms.

I have a lot of ideas playing in my head and i carry them out as i wish. Its about making and impact. Yes boss! we are getting there! Nobody is born a loser, nobody is born a failure. So I say to myself, Yes Boss! I’m the best out here. Yes Boss! I’m out here grinding. Really in this world I believe we can be more than we are presently. I believe we are worth more than we think of ourselves…Anybody taller than me is too tall, anybody shorter than me is too short. If you are fatter than me, you are too fat and if you are thinner than me you are too thin. I am the image of success, I am the perfect specimen. That’s what i am. So if you are angry, go hang yourself.

Haters, go hug transformer. Beefers, go jump inside the river.

Yes Boss! I am out here grinding.

Yes Boss! will be dealing with my latest antics. This is talking about the Graphic design y’all know, Photography and general life issues. Yes Boss will be handling sensitive issues that affect our everyday lives, Our relationships and being in control of ourselves. See, I believe that this world would be a better place if everybody out there just understand what it takes to love and trust one another. Yes Boss! will be attempting to focus on what it takes to love. I will be trying to figure out which is the bigger deal, Loving or Trusting…which is?

Yes Boss won’t be all an Okizle Affair, from time to time I will be having special “appearances” from guest writers and some clips from some mass media articles. Its all going be a great way of discovering ourselves I hope. Yes Boss! won’t be my thing but our thing. Its going to be mainly interactive and covering major aspects of our lives, including religion! yeah I can hear some people asking why. This is because some people are bent on causing havoc all in the name of religion. Take a look at the recent bomb blast in Jos, Nigeria on 24th December 2010. Alot of people lost their lives just because some people claim to be extremist in a particular view….all this will be a story for another day. Yes Boss! will attempt to focus on the boundary of religion and sanity.

I urge you all to check constantly for updates of follow me on twitter and facebook( It promises to be a jolly good ride.

YES BOSS! OkiZLe SigninG OuT….

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