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Okizle Multimedia Studios

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brand New Freedom

Ok, I know most people will be wondering what this is about. Brand new freedom? How many time does a person need freedom. Yeah i call it brand new freedom for a reason. Maybe not so obvious but somethings just lead up to this particular occurrence.Follow my story!

I got a very close friend. See this friend I will call Jack. Jack has a girlfriend, Jill let say. Jack loves Jill but he isn't sure Jill feels the same way. Jack has endured several bullsh*t from Jill. I keep on asking him "How can u be this patient?" I have made fun of Jack and pulled his lgs several times. Now i ask myself...who is to blame for this new fallout.

Jack is giving everything to make it work out but it seems Jill is being strong head and stubborn. I must admit it got to a stage i got pissed myself and felt like having Jills neck on a platter of Gold. I can't imagine a girl not calling her guy not replying his messages and i ask

So Jack got frustrated and decided to call it quits. jack sent an SMS to jill and thats when things started getting interesting. Jill flips...asking what the hell the problem was. What went wrong blah blah blah...Now I was just appalled on hearing that. I was again? Now Jill is a smart @$$ girl. So she turned the tables on Jack saying yeah he isn't patient with her, he didn't ask of her especially in the recent times when she was ill. blah blah blah...I was appalled to hear that Jack just listened on and on and on!

So Jack now looked like the bad guy. He became hopeless and lost leverage. He had no control over the situation again. Well things are still in shambles so to say but i am actually amazed @ how girls behave.

Attitude is a major problem with some girls...they just like to think they are important and all. Don't get me wrong here, I am not anti-feminine...but i just hate girls thinking they are all that. I believe in any relationship, trust should be the main stay of that relationship...then tolerance. Your partner can be such a pin head @ times and absolutely a pain in the neck but u gotta deal with it.

Sometimes it could be frustrating, it could be a battle of the mind that starts in the eyes. It sucks but life is about coping in all situations and enduring but it gets to a point endurance becomes punishment, it becomes something that is just painful to bear( a relationship). Once u are not happy in any relationship get out of it..don't make yourself unhappy.

so I told Jack, dude forget about her and live your life...guess what happens next....stay tuned!


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